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Meditation for Dummies

  • Life
Meditation has been one of the most life-changing habits I’ve incorporated, practicing consistently now for the past 1.5 years. Personally, it helped me control my (in my opinion) limited attention span and be more present in my work and relationships. In my practice however the biggest thing I’ve struggled with has been trying to not to judge my thoughts when I observe them. I find myself either aligning with the thought or critiquing myself for even thinking it in the first place. And while I still find myself doing this quite often, one way I’ve found myself to be less judgmental has been to try to befriend those thoughts, because at the end of the day they did come from my mind. I’ve found that befriending my thoughts makes them quickly disappear from my mind, leaving me feeling more present. In fact, I’ve enjoyed this method so much I even drew a short comic about it.